Reading Log: Men Are From Mars Women Are From Venus pt.4

2 min readJun 9, 2021


Book: Men Are From Mars Women Are from Venus

Progress: Chapter 4–8

In this part of reading, the author takes me into a deeper journey of understanding the opposite sex. I realized that men and women are motivated differently. Men are motivated and empowered when they feel needed and trusted. For example, when my mom gives me a task, it is really annoying that she keeps reminding me of some matters. I don’t feel trusted when she does that. If she just let me go into my cave and solve the problem. I might do my best to fulfill her needs and appreciated for my effort, I will have more to give.

I also learned that sometimes the words that men and women use to communicate don’t mean what it literally means. Translations are needed between them to deliver the messages clearly. The author provided a few examples when women talk to men. Women often use many kinds of dramatic phrases to describe a circumstance, and when men take it literally, he might feels blamed or criticized. When my mom says “ you won’t achieve anything.” That really hurts me. However, after reading this part, I begin to understand the way she thinks and feel.

“They are just the way it was done on Venus and people from Mars need to remember that!”

I found out that when a man is silent, it is easy for a woman to imagine the worst. But men process information very differently. Usually before I talk or respond, I first silently “mull over” or think about what I ‘ve heard or experienced. I just need time to process an answer. Unlike women, they express their thoughts instantly through their talks. That’s how they communicate and find comfort. Therefore, the art of listening is very important among men and women. It is important for us to remember that we speak different languages; take the time necessary to translate what my partner really means or wants to say. This definitely take place, but it is well worth it.

